What is Crossfit?

Crossfit is an exercise methodology consisting of constantly varied, functional movements performed at high intensity with it's ultimate goal being the production of power. Crossfit is the most effective fitness program. No matter what your age or ability level, you will benefit. Not only will you see physical changes, you will acquire an increased mental toughness by completing these workouts consistently. You will set and achieve goals you never imagined....Yes, you can do 30 pullups straight!

Crossfit is demanding. Crossfit is mean. Crossfit does not apologize when you are lying on your back staring at the ceiling after a WOD.

If you have any desire to improve your physical body, whether it be for basic health or for elite athletic performance, Crossfit delivers.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Back to the basics...

Now the real Crossfit has begun. Until now, TowerGym has been an amateur Crossfit club......no longer. Crossfit 101 class started Monday night. We will begin by learning the 9 foundational movements of Crossfit, then moving on to the pull up, muscle up and snatch. From there we will move back to typical WOD's with the proper Crossfit prescribed programming.

Get ready boys and girls......now the real fun begins!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

It's a sign......

The TowerGym logo mysteriously appeared on the driveway when Al stood up.....

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

WOD 11-23-10

Double Tabata
6 rounds of 40 sec. work / 20 sec. rest

Heavy jump rope
Flutter kick

WOD 11-22-10


20" Box jump
Superman Push up
Sit up
Palm-in pull up

Adam - 19:12, Dalton - 23:54, Wes - 32:18, Trevor - 37:42, Al - 40:48

WOD 11-21-10

First attempt of "Fran" at TowerGym


95# Thruster
Pull up

Adam - 6:03, Jeff - 6:14

WOD 11-18-10

2 Rounds:

1 - 200# tire pull - 50ft
20 - Heavy jump rope
10 - Med ball burpee
15 - Ring dip
20 - Windsheild wiper
15 - Pull up

Adam - 16:22, Jeff - 18:45, Wes - 23:21, Al - 23:58

WOD 11-15-10

AMRAP 15 min

5 Superman Push up
5 Dead hang Pull up
5 Squat Jump

Adam - 17, Jeff - 16, Wes - 11

WOD 11-14-10

Tabata - 8 rounds of 20 sec. work / 10 sec. rest

Push up
Pull up

Thursday, November 4, 2010

WOD 11-3-10

OH Squat 45# bar
Ring Pull up
24" Box Jump
30# DB Press
Run 1/4 mile after each round.

Jeff 21:31, Adam 23:31, Stephen 28:02, Wes 28:02, Sarah 22:30 (no DB or pull up)

Monday, November 1, 2010

WOD 11-1-10

3 Rounds of:
20 Alt. Sit up
5 Muscle up
20 Back extension
15 Wallball
10 35# KB swing - each arm

Wes 15:00 (practice MU), Adam 15:13

WOD 10-31-10

"Hell's Hill"
4 Rounds of:
25 Push up
Sprint 50 yds
5 Burpee
Run up hill forward
Run up hill backward
5 Burpee
Broad Jump 50 yds

Jeff 11:29, Adam 13:00, Wes 18:30, Stephen 20:28

WOD 10-28-10

Box Jump
Ring Dip
Thruster 45# bar
KB swing 58/35

Adam 11:43, Wes 12:39, Al 13:05