What is Crossfit?

Crossfit is an exercise methodology consisting of constantly varied, functional movements performed at high intensity with it's ultimate goal being the production of power. Crossfit is the most effective fitness program. No matter what your age or ability level, you will benefit. Not only will you see physical changes, you will acquire an increased mental toughness by completing these workouts consistently. You will set and achieve goals you never imagined....Yes, you can do 30 pullups straight!

Crossfit is demanding. Crossfit is mean. Crossfit does not apologize when you are lying on your back staring at the ceiling after a WOD.

If you have any desire to improve your physical body, whether it be for basic health or for elite athletic performance, Crossfit delivers.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Athletes in arms.....

I have to take a minute to tip my hat to my fellow athletes here at TowerGym. Stephen and Wes have been side by side with me for the past 4 months. It really is a HUGE encouragement to have them training with me, Erin and Melissa are now just as entrenched in this battle as we are. It is awesome that all of us are following this program together. It really is a difficult thing to explain....this lust for something that hurts so bad, it always demands more than we can give, yet we always look forward to the next time...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for getting this thing going. No way I'd have the motivation to do it by myself. You and Stephen make it harder to skip workouts. And I'm actually getting people telling me they can tell I've added some muscle. Finally some of that blood, sweat and tears are paying off.
